National Coverage in 10+ Major Publications

Ever thought astrology could drive media buzz? Our Digital PR experts used this approach and boosted Evan Evans Tours’ online coverage in just 40 mintues.

The Challenge

Evan Evans Tours sought a fresh strategy to boost their online coverage and attract more guests to their award-winning tours of London’s landmarks.

But how do you capture the attention of ever-increasingly busy journalists to feature an article about your brand?

The Solution

Gravytrain proposed a universally applicable and personalised approach using horoscopes.

We suggested Evan Evans Tours collaborate with celebrity astrologer Inbaal Honigman to reveal which London landmark their customers should visit based on their horoscope sign.

Our Digital PR specialists then used this data to reach journalists directly and implemented customised messaging to capture their attention. 

Evan Evans Tours Westminster Abbey

The Results

We saw an instant pickup, with more than 10 pieces published in just 40 minutes on Yahoo UK, Lancashire Post, and Blackpool Gazette, amongst others, all successfully boosting coverage for Evan Evans Tours as a result of an expertly executed Digital PR strategy. 

Ready to talk?

Looking to improve performance but don’t know where to start? Talk to the Gravytrain team today.

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    Evan Evans Tours Image of Tower Bridge
    National Coverage in 10+ Major Publications

    With national coverage across 10+ publications in just 40 minutes, we successfully boosted coverage for Evan Evans Tours as a result of an expertly executed Digital PR strategy.