Confirm Testing

Zero to 10,000 Daily Orders in 6 Months

The Challenge

This client needed to scale into a brand new market, and fast.

Confirm Testing helped Britain respond to the COVID-19 pandemic by supplying the necessary testing services that people and businesses need to safely and confidently return to life and work. When the traffic light travel system was announced and rolled out in May 2021, Confirm Testing and Gravytrain had the challenge of entering an effectively brand new market. We had the need to scale quickly whilst keeping on top of ever-changing government guidelines and user behaviour.

The Solution

We had very little market analysis to base initial campaigns on, so relied on logic and past results to make educated decisions on predicted search habits. As performance data built, we were agile in our approach and optimisation – tweaking campaign structures, keywords, adcopy, budgets, bid strategies etc. to align with the real-world data we were gathering.

+216% New Users
+388% CVR
+1665% Transactions
+986% Revenue
+179% ROAS

The Results

With career expertise and a flexible approach to campaign management, Gravytrain were able to deliver activity that produced scaled results as user demand increased:

From May (rollout) to August (peak):

Interested in our services?

From website builds, to SEO retainers, to Paid Social campaigns – we’ve done it all. Take a look to see how we could help you like we’ve helped other partners.

Ready to talk?

Our award-winning digital marketing services work collaboratively to get your products out there for prospective customers to see.

    A Few Recent Favourites

    From website builds, to SEO retainers, to Paid Social campaigns – we’ve done it all. Take a look and see how we could help you like we’ve helped other partners.

    Selection of phone cases
    Just Personalise 341% ROAS Improvement in 5 Months

    We provided a 128% improvement in web sessions which generated extra revenue.

    Covid tests
    Zero to 10,000 Daily Orders in 6 Months

    With high competition in a brand-new market, our Paid Search team’s speed and agility brought Confirm Testing +216% new users, +1665% in transactions, and +986% in revenue.

    See more of our work
    Filter by topic
    Covid tests
    Zero to 10,000 Daily Orders in 6 Months

    With high competition in a brand-new market, our Paid Search team’s speed and agility brought Confirm Testing +216% new users, +1665% in transactions, and +986% in revenue.

    Used cars in a row
    272% Increase in Revenue

    mycarcheck were able to see significant results from paid activity and a multi-stream social strategy, delivering more sessions, more clicks, and better revenue.

    Selection of phone cases
    341% ROAS Improvement in 5 Months

    We provided a 128% improvement in web sessions which generated extra revenue.