
272% Increase in Revenue

mycarcheck were able to see significant results from paid activity and a multi-stream social strategy, delivering more sessions, more clicks, and better revenue.

The Challenge

Gravytrain’s combined paid search and paid social approach from September 2020 to August 2021 widened the advertising reach, increasing the customer base – all whilst maintaining the target ROAS. 

The strategy allowed additional prospecting to occur, whilst having the confidence that the conversion-focused activity would work hard to cover the minimum ROAS required. This culminated in a 272% increase in revenue year on year.      



The Solution

The inclusion of Paid Social activity was key to driving the results forwards, MCC hadn’t been using Paid Social ads to drive growth via the brand, nor utilised the targeting capability to increase the prospecting reach.

Gravytrain were able to implement a multi-strand social approach to optimise conversions, reach, branding and traffic through to the site, whilst providing the prospecting activity necessary to push and aid the search account to grow substantially with increased conversions. 

+124% Website Users
+107% Website Sessions
+272% Revenue Generated
+221% Transactions
+55% CVR

The Results

Using our strategy, we saw an increase in website users, sessions, revenue, transactions, and CVR. We used a combination of Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, and Facebook Ads.

Ready to talk?

Get in touch with us today and learn how we can transform your business.

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